PowerTrans™ 3.2 (commercial software) is a Multilingual, Customizable Translator and Portable Vocabulary Trainer supplied with 72,000 words in 6 languages — English, Spanish, German, French, Italian and Portuguese. PowerTrans™ is available in different national versions as well - English, German, French, Italian and Spanish.
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PowerTrans™ Keyboards (freeware) is the most complete keyboard driver collection for the Newton. 11 extensions will bring 18 national keyboard layouts to your Newton. Each keyboard extension can be installed separately. PowerTrans™ Keyboards patch the Newton OS directly and therefore are available in all Newton applications (e.g. Names, Dates). PowerTrans™ Keyboards will extend all non-existent keyboard layouts of your (inter)national Newton 2.0/2.1 device. Hardware keyboards (Newton Keyboard, Freekey etc.) will be supported as well.
This is a Trial Version
You have a 20 day trial period in which to examine PowerTrans, during which it will function fully. The trial version is supplied with a limited dictionary containing only 500 entries per language and 6 languages. The full version is provided with 72,000 words in 6 languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese. For all languages 1.2 MB of Newton storage is required only. Two languages requires 500 KB only. Each dictionary can be installed separately.
Which files belongs to PowerTrans™ Trial Version?
License.txt Software License (English and German)
Latest PowerTrans™ Information Doppel-click to go online to our website
for latest information or ordering.
PowerTrans™ 3.2.pkg PowerTrans™ main application
PowerTrans™ English Locale.pkg Extension needed for English version
PowerTrans™ French Locale.pkg Extension needed for French version
PowerTrans™ German Locale.pkg Extension needed for German version
PowerTrans™ Italian Locale.pkg Extension needed for Italian version
PowerTrans™ Spanish Locale.pkg Extension needed for Spanish version
PT-Dict Demo.pkg Dictionary with limited vocabulary for trial (3000 words in 6 languages)
Installation Instructions
You’ll need to use one of Apple’s utilities to install the desired package files (the package filenames all end with ".pkg"):
• Apple’s "Newton Package Installer"
• Apple’s "Newton Backup Utility" for Newton 2.0
• Apple’s "Newton Connection Kit" for Newton 2.0
Install the files from the downloaded PowerTrans™ folder:
Install "PowerTrans™ 3.2.pkg", "PT-Dict Demo.pkg" and one or multiple PowerTrans™ Locale Extensions for your preferred user language.
National PowerTrans™ Versions
PowerTrans™ 3.2 is featured with a unique localization technique which enables you to use different national versions of PowerTrans at the same time by just switching when needed by run-time.
Install all PowerTrans™ Locale Extensions you will need. Each PowerTrans™ Locale Extension contains all localized information of PowerTrans to show PowerTrans’s user interface and on-screen help in a different language.
Switch the user language any time:
1 After launching PowerTrans™, tap the Information button i and in the list that appears, tap Prefs.
2 In the slip that appears, tap "User Language" and choose the user language you want.
3 In the list that appears tap the user language you want.
The list shows all PowerTrans™ Locale Extensions which has been installed.
Hint: We recommend to install "PowerTrans™ Keyboards" as well to take advantage of national keyboard layouts in PowerTrans™. PowerTrans™ features the multiple use of national keyboard layouts (language related).
Getting Help
PowerTrans™ 3.2 includes a multilingual on-screen help which teaches you how best to use PowerTrans™:
1 After launching PowerTrans™, tap the Information button i.
2 In the list that appears, tap Help (for English help or Hilfe for German help etc.).
An Adobe Acrobat PDF handbook can be download at <http://www.travel-cs.com>.
Professionals will appreciate PowerTrans™ powerful facilities for business and educational usage.
• PowerTrans™ is the mostly localized Newton title. Now available in English, German, French, Italian, Spanish and Czech. The user interface can be switched to another language at any time.
• The PowerTrans™ dictionaries are fully customizable. Any language can be created and phrases can be added or altered for each language.
• PowerTrans™ is designed for training selected phrases according to their learning level (flash cards), using a schedule which repeats vocabulary learning at intervals. The schedule view shows how many phrases will reappear in the future and on which days. This concept considers individual long-term training.
• PowerTrans™ can record and play back speech for each dictionary entry (Newton 2.1 only).
• PowerTrans™ runs on Newton MP120, MP130, MP2000/2100 and eMate 300 and is fully eMate 300 and MP2000/2100 featured. PowerTrans™ supports Newton 2.0 and Newton 2.1. Hardware keyboards are supported as well as eMate 300 Classroom Support. PowerTrans™ can be used simultaneously by several students, while each student sees only his private vocabulary and learning data, all students have shared access on the standard dictionaries.
• PowerTrans™ works together with PowerTrans™ Keyboards excellently.
• PowerTrans™ works with high compressed memory saving dictionaries, which can be fully customized. Each dictionary can be installed separately.
• PowerTrans™ is featured by a multilingual on-screen help.